We rely on the generosity of volunteers and the time they give. Without them Pride would not happen. Pride makers/volunteers get free admission to the Pride Festival. You can give us as little as 2 hours of your time (or as much time as you can offer) either on the day itself or in the run up to Pride at one of our Pride fundraising events.
We are looking for a team of people to help out at the Pride Diversity Games on Sat 23rd and Sun 24th July 2016. Individual sports have different arrangements, but generally you will be required to join us from 8am to register and pick up your volunteer pack and help set up. You will be given a ticket for Pride as well as access to the volunteer area at Pride for your kind efforts. SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS WILL BE NOTIFIED BY 30th JUNE 2016. We will then discuss shifts and let you know what we will be doing on the day!
If you have a specific sport interest please tick that box (or multiple boxes). Many thanks for your interest.