Although Pride does not organise any events on the beach, this year as a first, Brighton & Hove Pride sponsored the inaugural Big Pride Beach Clean which saw the beach transformed on Sunday morning.
Our beaches are our city’s crowning glory and we are proud to have partnered with a number of other local community organisations to support and sponsor the first ‘Big Pride Silent Disco Beach Clean’ delivered by Ocean’s 8 Brighton, supported by Bupa, Brighton Watersports and the Bird & Blend Tea Co.
All the refuse collected was sorted on site, ready for recycling which has highlighted the scale of the challenge of keeping beaches free from materials that cause great harm to marine life and the environment. Pride will continue to engage with the businesses on the seafront to share the responsibility of the clean up after a bumper weekend for their businesses.
This work is part of our ongoing mission to encourage residents, visitors and businesses to take Pride in the City.
Paul Kemp, Managing Director, Brighton & Hove Pride CIC said: “Even though Pride hosts no events on the beach, in the spirit of collaboration we wanted to support a collective approach to maintaining a cleaner, more sustainable city.”
Melanie Rees, Creative Director of The Green Centre and one of Oceans 8 Brighton said: “Oceans 8 Brighton are thrilled that the Pride sponsored beach clean was such a success. Thanks to the over 1,000 volunteers who registered for our 3 sessions on Sunday morning, and the support of BUPA, the beaches on either side of the pier were left in a better state than a normal weekend and all the rubbish was sorted on site ready for recycling.”
Find out more about our Beach Clean partners here.