This insightful documentary takes viewers on a journey into the fascinating world of three ‘onnabes’ working as hosts at Tokyo’s New Marilyn Club. The identity ‘onnabe’ connotes people assigned female at birth who engage in masculine selfpresentation, some of whom identify as men and some of whom do not. Living a nocturnal existence as hosts in a private club for female clientele, the performers are shown both at work entertaining their adoring clients and at home, where they reflect on their lives, hopes and sexualities. A monumental documentary celebrated for its honest and dignified style, this is a humane portrait of trans lives with which we may not be so familiar.
“Extraordinarily brave and honest, presenting issues commonly regarded as taboo and avoiding any pat answers” Lesley Parkinson, Japan Times
“Without conforming to Western feminist models, Longinotto suggests the social, emotional and political constraints experienced by Japanese women and the attraction of spaces of resistance… there is no jubilant suggestion that these people have triumphed over a repressive sociopolitical system, but that they have made a complex, ongoing, negotiated and courageous space within it.” Sophie Mayer, Second Run
Winner of Outstanding Documentary at the San Francisco Gay And Lesbian Film Festival 1995.
Winner of Silver Hugo Prize at the Chicago International Film Festival 1995.
Winner of Gold Prize at Houston Film Festival 1995.
Shinjuku Boys (PG)
Directors: Kim Longinotto and Jano Williams. UK 1995. 53 mins. English, and Japanese with English subtitles.
Monday 25th July, 6.15pm
Duke of York’s, Brighton BN1 4NA
To book tickets click here
A £1 donation from every ticket purchased will be given to The Rainbow Fund.