Brighton & Hove City Council (BHCC) has allocated a total of £10,000 to support local community groups, voluntary organisations & not-for-profit social enterprise with funding up to £1,000 towards Brighton Pride Parade & Park activities on 6 August 2016.
This is the final year of BHCC Discretionary Grants Programme. As council moves to a new Third Sector Investment Programme in 2017-18 the funding principles of that new model will apply.
Priority therefore will be given to third sector partnership bids and successful applicants that document how their collaborative working will engage the city’s more vulnerable residents – providing safe, accessible space for community celebration.
Thus applicants should also explain how their proposed project will promote cohesion across communities for example: younger & older people, faith & ethnicity, mental / physical health and gender.
Application deadline 16 July 2016: Decision within 5 working days
Please complete this form and return to the address on page 2 by 16th July.