Brighton & Hove Pride 2019 was an amazing celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Inn uprising that ignited and inspired the global Pride movement.
Pride Director Said, “With increasing costs this year for cleansing and security resources and the uncertainty around Brexit that adversely affected sponsorship income, it has been a really challenging year for Pride. This year Pride are thrilled to have raised £217,432.50 which will be distributed to local charity and community groups and projects through the Brighton Rainbow Fund, the Pride Social Impact Fund and Pride Cultural Development Fund
“With over £922,000 raised under the current organisation, Pride are very much on target to reach £1million fundraising for good causes by 2020, the 30th Anniversary of Brighton & Hove Pride”
Every year the city of Brighton & Hove is awash with rainbow flags as businesses show their support for Pride and the LGBTQ+ community and an estimated £20.5million is brought into the city’s economy with visitors spending money on accommodation, retail, food and drink over the Pride weekend.
Brighton businesses within the Pride Village Party footprint contribute £125.00 per day (small venue) or £250.00 per day(larger venue) that helped raise £7,520 towards the Pride Social Impact Fund.
Bucket collections on the Pride Community Parade raided £768.
Legends was again the biggest LGBT business supporter contributing £5500.
This year we have introduced the Pride City Angels scheme to engage with businesses across our City to help support our community fundraising and projects all year round.
The launch of City Angels project saw a first year sign up of 26 businesses with founding members contributing £1000 each and brought in a further £10,750.00.