Longhill school and Latest CIC
“The grant from the Rainbow Fund has allowed us to reach out to the LGBTQ+ groups that exist in local state schools and provide them with the opportunity to express their views and their aspirations through the medium of television. These groups are supported by amazing teachers and support staff in their own time, they believe as we do, that this is vital and the work that they do with us is both exciting and groundbreaking.”
“The grant from the Rainbow fund allows us to support children and young people from the ages of 5-25 who are LGBT+ or unsure of their sexuality and/or gender identity through group work, one-to-one emotional support and outreach work to other youth projects across the City. This vital funding helps to reduce isolation, enables peer support and helps to build resilience whilst empowering children and young people.”
Mindout: Counselling
“The grant from the Rainbow Fund will enable us to continue to provide a low cost counselling service run by and for LGBTQ communities, this much needed service has excellent outcomes for the people who use it.
The Rainbow Fund has provided seed funding for us to pilot a relationship counselling service and a relationship skills peer support group.”
Mindout: Out of The Blue
“Our second grant from the Rainbow Fund enables us to provide peer support for LGBTQ people who experience suicidal distress ‘Out of the Blue’. We provide a safe space for people to share their experiences and learn from each other.”
Men Talk Health
“MenTalkHealth believes that stigma around mental health prevents people from reaching out for help when they need it and so aims to get our community talking.
With the funds awarded from The Brighton Rainbow fund we will be able to provide free & reduced cost Mental Health First Aid training to LGBTQ+ venues and performers on the Brighton scene who are our front line to those struggling.
Mental Health First Aid training is expensive, costing an individual between £300-450. We are able to train up our own Mental Health First Aid Trainer who will then be able to train our community in the necessarily skills to listen to and signpost those in our community who are struggling the most. ”
The Sussex Beacon
“The grant from the Rainbow fund enables us to deliver our Positive Living Programme for people living and ageing with HIV. We run twice weekly exercises classes, mindfulness groups and online resources, in order to holistically support the physical and mental wellbeing of our clients and combat frailty”
Switchboard: Grief Encounters
“Thanks to our Rainbow Fund grant we are able to run our Grief Encounters project for LGBTQ people who have experienced a bereavement. The sessions provide a confidential, safe and supportive space for LGBTQ people to share their experiences and coping strategies and explore their feelings surrounding grief”
Switchboard: The Rainbow Cafe
“The Rainbow Fund grant for our Rainbow Café enables us to support LGBTQ people living with dementia, providing them with a safe space to socialise, take part in creative activities and access information and support”
Switchboard: LGBTQ+ Befriending Service
“Our Rainbow Fund grant is enabling us to work with our communities to develop a specialised befriending service for LGBTQ people and people living with HIV. This will provide support for the most isolated in our communities, as well as volunteering opportunities for those who wish to get involved.”
Lunch Positive: HIV Lunch Club
“Funding for the HIV lunch club helps us reach and support hundreds of people each year. The lunch club is a locally unique and genuine community based project. A safe and supportive space that brings people together for food and friendship, peer-support and breaks the cycle of social isolation. With over 30 committed and highly motivated volunteers, this project involves everyone and reaches those very most in need”
50+ HIV supper group
“The Rainbow Fund grant supports this monthly gathering of people with HIV aged 50 and over. A safe, relaxed and peer-led place to share and socialise, with a special focus on peer support as we get older. For many people this is often remarked as “the first time they have seen anyone for a long time” or pleased they came as it is “the only reason for going out this week”.“
Radio Reverb: HIV Hour
“The grant from the Rainbow Fund will allow us to continue broadcasting the UK’s only radio show about living with HIV, and to distribute it as a podcast in order to reach a global audience. The programme educates listeners about HIV, connects people living with the virus with local support services, and destigmatises HIV by encouraging open discussion. The grant also allows us to continue a training partnership with the Terrence Higgins Trust’s Work Positive programme, which helps those who are long-term unemployed due to health issues back into work.”
Rainbow Chorus: RC+
“The grant from the Rainbow Fund will allow us to continue this unique monthly workshop choir, open to all in the LGBT+ communities. In a safe, friendly space, members can drop in when their personal circumstances allow or attend regularly. They explore their singing voice, grow in confidence and make new friends at the social after each session.”
Rainbow Chorus: Sign language user outreach
“The grant from the Rainbow Fund will allow us to become more inclusive, reaching out to those within the LGBT+ communities who are deaf or are sign language users and enable them to enjoy our performances and concerts. This has included working collaboratively with other choirs & Marco Nardi to provide a fully interpreted performance at the annual World Aids Day concert last December.”
Blueprint 22: The L-Zone
“Funding form The Rainbow Fund to run ‘The L Zone’ a youth led lesbian visibility project. The funding means that we are able to give young adults the opportunity and support they need to explore their identity, sexuality and self worth in a safe environment without judgement or prejudice. The project will bring a the voice of the next generation to the wider LGBT* community in Brighton and Hove and will be used to inform future work in this area.
Inside Out
“The project which has been funded by The Rainbow fund is something that offers anyone from the LGBT* community the chance to have 1-2-1 support for any issues they are facing in relation to their sexuality and/or gender identity. This project also offers the chance for young adults to facilitate their own peer led workshops where they can discuss and share specific issues which they have and do face when growing up. All of these services are of huge importance to the youth LGBT* community in and around the city and would not be possible without the support from the Rainbow Fund.”
The Clare Project
The Development funding: “The continuation of development funding from The Rainbow Fund will enable us to continue our investment in the growth and sustainability of services supporting trans, non-binary, intersex and gender-variant folk. It will allow us to empower our trans-led organization to provide more opportunities for both engagement, work and volunteering for our TNBI community members”
Tuesday Drop-in funding: “This grant from the Rainbow Fund supports the continuation of our weekly Tuesday Drop-in for trans, non-binary, intersex and gender-variant adults. Approaching our 20th year of supporting the TNBI community, the fund enables us to provide regular mental health support spaces and socialising opportunities for our members.”
Radical Rhizome
“The grant from the Rainbow Fund makes it possible for Black and brown queer people in Brighton and Hove to regularly meet, helping us to build and fortify our burgeoning community, reducing isolation and enhancing social connectivity.”
Peer Action
“The grant from the Rainbow Fund has allowed us to support people living with HIV in Brighton & Hove by making available affordable complementary therapies and yoga sessions in a space where they can relax and openly talk about what is going on with their lives without judgement.’”

2022 Testimonies
Kerry Pickett, Chair of Friends of Preston Park
“FoPP is very grateful to Pride for providing us with funds that will help various projects, giving back to the community of the ‘People’s Park’.”
Sam Dyke, Darwell Court
“Darwell Court Residents Group are very grateful for the funding provided and are looking forward to using the funds for a large, community event on the Sunday of this year’s Pride Village Party with the aim of bringing together the local community for a fun afternoon of cakes, games, water fights, face painting and more.”
Cranks Bikes
“Thank you so much for funding the repair and redecoration of the front of our community bicycle workshop”
Friends of Carlton Hill PTA
“[We] are over the moon with the generous funding that has been awarded to us. We will be looking into refurbishing some Reading Corners at Carlton Hill Primary School. We will also be able to buy more.books for the whole School and will be looking at increasing our LGBTQ+ friendly literature as well. In the current climate this money will have a tangible impact on the Children and with their learning and reading.”
Stanford & Cleveland Community Garden
“All our volunteers are absolutely delighted to receive the grant. Come August visitors to Pride in the Park and passers-by will all be able to benefit from our endeavours thanks to the Pride Social Impact Fund. Now the hard work begins…”
Norfolk Square Group
“The gardeners of Norfolk Square are delighted and honoured to be awarded funds supporting our work by the Pride Social Impact Fund! We’re looking forward to investing in both our ongoing work to maintain and beautify the community space, and to creating something notable for this year’s Pride celebration, which we hope will last for years to come.”
St Peters Preston Park Churchyard Volunteers
“[We] are delighted to have been successful in their Pride Social Impact Fund bids for new gardening equipment and plants for the newly renovated Preston Park wildlife pond. The new equipment will be used to assist in maintaining the churchyard as a wonderful habitat for wildlife. We hope the newly planted and renovated wildlife pond will become a popular focal point within Preston Park.”
Sussex MS Centre
“We are absolutely delighted to be awarded £1,000 to go towards our classes for people living with MS and other conditions. Financial assistance for our classes helps us to keep our classes free so that any of members can attend, no matter what their circumstances. Thank you so much.” Emily-Jane Stuttard, Manager
Sue Shepherd, Secretary, Friends of St Peter’s, Preston Park
“Little St Peter’s church at the north end of Preston Park is of extreme importance to the Preston Park community. Not only because, at around 750 years old and with rare wall murals, it is grade 2star listed, but it’s also a beautiful, intimate place for quiet reflection. It’s no longer used as a regular church and relies on volunteers like urselves to keep it open and alive. It’s boring but the current lighting is not only failing but is of the old halogen sort – not great for the environment or for our pockets. So, new LED lighting needs to be installed so that it can continue to be enjoyed by everyone. The kind donation from Pride will kick-start an exciting time of fund-raising to enable this enlightening project! Thank you Pride.”
St James Business Alliance
“St James Business Alliance (SJBA) is always looking at new ways to improve the street and surrounding areas. Following our application to Pride Social Impact Fund for help, we are honoured to have been awarded the sum of £950.00 to direct towards installing new solar lighting in the community. SJBA will work hard towards achieving this project within the next few months.”
The Brighton & Hove Green Spaces Forum
“… represents over 70 volunteer groups working in the parks and open areas of Brighton & Hove. Over the last year we have worked together with Brighton & Hove CityParks in the acquisition and planting of 429 new trees across 18 sites in the city. We are delighted to have been successful in our social impact fund bid for flower bulbs which will be planted across these sites.”
“Food and Friendship reaches out to around 100 isolated and vulnerable older people and adults with learning disabilities from across Brighton and Hove every week. Support from the Pride Social Impact fund means we can continue to do this and provide some continuity for those who depend on our twice-weekly lunches, not just for a hot meal but also for the chance to talk to friends and make new ones.”
“We are absolutely thrilled that panel chose to support our project for a Family Fun Day which will make such a difference to around 200 children with special educational needs and disabilities and their parent carers, in and around Brighton & Hove and West Sussex.”
“The Patcham Duck Fayre Group is delighted to receive a grant from the Pride Social Impact Fund this year. It makes such a difference to us as we have to fund raise all year and this boost will help ensure we can pay for services to keep people safe during the day of the Fayre on Sunday 17th May 2020. The best thing about the Fayre last year was seeing families and friends of all ages in Patcham meeting up, chatting in the street, enjoying a fun filled day and celebrating the diverse range of entertainment, craft and produce that the area has to offer”
“This money will make a real difference to our community by helping those who find themselves in crisis.”
“We garden the churchyard in a sustainable manner, creating an uplifting environment for both people and wildlife. We are over the moon at having been successful with our applications to the Pride Social Impact Fund. The funds will enable us to install a new water butt, upgrade a pathway and complete our planting.”
“The Wave Project is thrilled to be taking its work in Brighton and Hove forward with the support of the Pride Social Impact Fund. Our Surf Club aims to continue the growth of self-esteem, resilience and confidence begun in our surf therapy courses. To be able to show the young people we work with that they have been invested in by their community cannot help but fuel this work and galvanise us for the year to come. Thank you Pride.”
“We would like to thank the local businesses who contributed to the social impact fund”
“This is the third year Quiet Down There have been supported by Pride Social Impact Fund for creative work in Brighton Open Market. The on-going support means we are able to offer creative activities for free to people up and down London Road. We want our community to feel proud of the market and proud of this area.”
AMEX Area Neighbourhood Forum
“That’s wonderful news! A real boost for our community garden”
“Now we have the entry fee paid we can once again work with the community to beautify and care for Brunswick Town and hopefully retain our silver gilt award.”
“Off The Fence is delighted to receive £500 from the Pride Social Impact Fund to buy sleeping bags, which can mean the difference between life and death to the many rough sleepers we are working with at Project Antifreeze.”
“The Early Childhood Project is delighted that we have been awarded £1,000 by the Brighton Pride Social Impact Fund. This grant endorses our equalities and inclusive work in the toy library where, for over thirty years, we have worked hard to create a safe, welcoming, diverse and vibrant toy library community!”
“This is our inaugural year for The Verdict’s Sparkly Bird Festival in Dorset Gardens , and we are absolutely delighted to receive this award from The Pride Social Impact fund. Our event is on May 9th 2020 and we are going to be very Sparkly indeed!”
“St James’s Street is the heart of LGBTQ+ Brighton and the home of The Pride Village Party. Our aim is to create a tree-lit avenue of winter lights – The Ledward Lights – dedicated to our friend James Ledward. This is a big step to making this happen.”
“We are delighted and very thankful to have been offered a grant by the Pride Social Impact Fund to improve and expand our community garden in Brunswick Square.”
“We are delighted to receive this grant from Pride Social Impact Fund towards our Blakers Park Tree Project. The money will not only support the healthy growth of the 50 new trees we are planting to provide more shade, help biodiversity and mitigate the impacts of climate change but it will also enable us to enlist the help of local volunteers who themselves benefit from being part of an outdoor community project.’ Sally Cranfield: Chair Friends of Blakers Park.”
“We are delighted to receive funding from the Brighton Pride Social Impact Fund to enable us to put on a free Hollingdean Science Festival again this year. Last year proved very popular and we had request from both parents and children to have a Science Festival this year, and this grant will mean we don’t have to disappoint them. Hollingdean is one of the most deprived areas in the City and has many families with living on very low income. Having a science festival will give both parents and children the opportunity to have fun together learning about the wonders of science, which they would otherwise be unable to afford.”
The children from Crew Club Hawks football team in Whitehawk would like to say a great big Thank You to Pride for their continuous support in providing funding for these ambitious teenagers.
The money will go towards a number of things including hoodies to keep them warm while training and to help start up more teams for different age groups so that younger children can also join in the fun and healthy benefits grassroots football brings to the local community.
Again we thank you for your support as we wouldn’t be able to do any of this without you.
They will be wearing these hoodies with Pride on March 15th as they got through to play in the League Cup Final!
‘The donation from the Pride Social Impact Fund will help us provide equipment to ensure the Young People’s Centre is as accessible as possible so more young people will be able to access the support available here.’
“Everyone at the Old Boat Community Centre is delighted to have the support from Pride to continue our community food projects, the money will enable us to increase the work which we do addressing food poverty in the local area.”
“The Other Screen is thrilled to have received funding from the Social Impact Fund! We are proud to have delivered immersive and engaging film events to the community of Brighton and Hove. This grant will help us as we look to build on these achievements. The money will go towards the costs of an accessible venue and BSL interpreter, ensuring that our audience continue to enjoy thought-provoking cinema in a welcoming and inclusive environment. Thank you Pride Brighton and Hove for your continued support!”
“Tarner Community Project is delighted to have received support from Pride again this year. This enables the project to reinstate a weekly cookery club, with a professional chef to work with young people to teach them essential cooking and nutrition skills. The focus will be on creating affordable delicious healthy meals. Young people greatly benefit from learning these new skills, but also really enjoy learning to cook and eating together. Thank you very much Pride for your ongoing support.”
“The Moulsecoomb community look forward to a series of free family supper clubs thanks to the support of the Pride Social Impact Fund.”
“We are very grateful for your support in ensuring that the community of Bevendean are able to have their very own summer fayre once again this year”
“The CHOMP project is very happy to be receiving this support which means that we can now offer a much needed after school CHOMP session for local families in need”