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Any use of illegal drugs or new psychoactive substances (formerly known as ‘Legal Highs’) is not condoned by Pride.
Please make sure you read the terms and conditions on your ticket and on the website.

Pride do not condone the use of illegal drugs or new psychoactive substances at their events and work with Sussex Police to provide a safe event for everyone attending.

There will be drugs dogs on the entrances to both the Park and PVP event this year.
There will be drugs amnesty boxes at the entrance to the park and PVP and you may also be searched at the entrance.
Any items which the organisers consider may be used in an illegal or offensive manner will be confiscated.
Persons suspected of carrying out illegal and / or offensive activities onsite may be searched. Police officers will be on site and will deal with drug offences in accordance with national guidelines.

If you deal in drugs, it is likely that you will be arrested.
Neither anti-social nor illegal behaviour will be tolerated and participants will leave themselves liable for eviction from the site.
Drug enforcement laws are as applicable on site as any where else in the country.

If you bring drugs with you, you risk having them confiscated, being evicted from the Pride Festival and arrested.

If you’re offered drugs you have the risk getting ripped off, whether with fake substances or short deals, and with pills, powders and liquids there is a risk that what you buy could be harmful and even life threatening.

The police have made big efforts in recent years to crack down on the sale of drugs at all Festivals and arrests are made that could have a major impact on your general life, travel plans, reputation and employment prospects for years to come is considerable so please think about your actions.

Experimenting with drugs can lead to adverse reactions and the crowds and the sheer size of Pride could be very frightening and disorientating.

If you or anyone around you have taken drugs and feel ill, depressed or frightened please ask a steward or security to direct you to St Johns ambulance on the Pride Festival site..
You won’t be in trouble and there are there to help and support you.

Pride has a strict No Psychoactive Substances policy.
Laughing Gas, also known as Noz (nitrous oxide), has gained in popularity at festivals in recent years. Many festivals, including Brighton Pride have now banned it. The major risk of harm derives from its strong intoxicating effects and loss of bodily control. Combining with other substances and alcohol increases the risk of physical injury.

Where can I learn more ? 

If you or anyone you know is likely to take any illegal drugs at Pride click… it could save a life.

Cassiobury Court have a handy ‘Guide to Addiction Helplines‘ and links to free addiction helplines that exist in the United Kingdom HERE

The NA Helpline is often the first point of contact for people needing support and advice about the nature of drug addiction. Anyone from the using addict, their friends and family members through to drug workers and the press are welcome to call.