Following the disruption of last weekend’s Pride in London Parade by a tiny number of individuals, Brighton & Hove Pride would like to go on record that we totally condemn their actions and message of hate.
Brighton & Hove is recognised as a diverse and inclusive city and the home of the original TransPride. The Pride movement was begun by trans people and trans people will always be welcome at Brighton Pride. We are proud of our Trans volunteers, groups and communities and we will not tolerate messages of hate against any participants of the LGBTQ+ community.
This year’s Brighton & Hove LGBTQ+ Community Parade has had the largest number of entries ever and every community group who has applied has been allocated a slot.
The lead section of the Brighton & Hove LGBTQ+ Community Parade is always made up of the Rainbow Fund, the grant awarding body for funds for LGBTQ+ community groups, the LGBT Safety Forum who provide a safe space in the parade for vulnerable people from our communities, and our LGBTQ+ global awareness campaign messages.
We will take robust action against any hijacking of the Brighton LGBTQ+ Pride Community Parade and the safety of all our participants is paramount.
Less than 30% of the parade are business entries, all of whom must agree to our parade standards to maintain the integrity of the community parade and ensure that floats and entries from business partners or brands support and celebrate Diversity and Inclusion or the achievements, culture and aspirations of those belonging to their LGBTQ+ networks.
Brighton & Hove is a welcoming city that does not tolerate hate. We stand in solidarity with our Trans community and Saturday 4th August will be a day of celebration and love for all our LGBTQ+ communities.